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Build your future as a Android App developer with our Android App Development Course with 100% placement Assistance

4.6 (4125 Reviews)

Our Course Duration

6 Months

Course Duration

2 Months


4 Months


What You'll Learn Android App Development Course

Android Development Course

Learn the fundamentals of Android installation and setup for Android development. Dive into the world of Android app development with a comprehensive course that covers installation and setup.

Layouts and Views

Understand the concept of layout and views in Android development. Explore how to design visually appealing Android apps by mastering layout and view concepts.

Data Storage Options

Discover different ways to store your data on an Android device. Explore data storage techniques for Android applications, a crucial aspect of app development.

Lists and Fragments

Gain insights into Lists and Fragments in Android development. Learn how to efficiently manage lists and utilize fragments in your Android app projects.

Android Notifications

Learn how to trigger an Android notification. Master the art of sending notifications in Android apps to engage users effectively.

Bluetooth Chat App

Build your very own Bluetooth Chat App to send and receive messages for Android. Create a custom Android chat application from scratch, enhancing your app development skills.

App Development Courses

Explore comprehensive courses in software engineering and app development. Enroll in app development courses to become proficient in software engineering and mobile app development.

Learn Flutter

Enhance your skills by learning Flutter, a versatile framework for app development. Dive into the world of cross-platform app development with Flutter, expanding your software development knowledge.

This Course Includes:

Advantage Of Android Application Development Course

Master the art of Android application development. Become an expert in crafting Android applications through dedicated courses in software development. Enroll in mobile app development courses to build a strong foundation in software engineering and app development.

In our comprehensive Android development course, you’ll begin by mastering Kotlin basics. Take your first steps in programming with Kotlin, and discover how to infuse images and text seamlessly into your Android apps

• Understanding the basics of web development
• Introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
• Setting up a development environment (code editor, web browser, etc.)
• Creating a basic HTML webpage structure
• Introduction to browser developer tools

• Understanding the structure and syntax of HTML
• Creating headings, paragraphs, and text formatting
• Working with lists and tables
• Adding images and multimedia content
• Creating hyperlinks and anchors
• Semantic HTML and accessibility best practices

• Introduction to CSS and its role in web design
• Inline styles, internal stylesheets, and external stylesheets
• Working with CSS selectors and properties
• Formatting text and applying styles to elements
• Working with colors, backgrounds, and gradients
• Box model and layout techniques

• Creating and styling div containers
• Understanding CSS positioning (static, relative, absolute, fixed)
• Building responsive layouts with media queries
• Flexbox and CSS Grid for flexible and grid-based layouts
• Creating responsive navigation menus
• Introduction to CSS frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap)

• Introduction to JavaScript and its role in web development
• Variables, data types, and operators
• Control flow and conditional statements
• Looping and iteration
• Functions and scope
• Working with arrays and objects

• Understanding the DOM and its relationship with HTML and JavaScript
• Accessing and manipulating DOM elements
• Event handling and responding to user interactions
• Modifying HTML content dynamically
• Creating interactive forms and validating user input
• Working with timers and animations

• Introduction to popular JavaScript libraries (e.g., jQuery) and frameworks (e.g., React, Angular)
• Installing and using JavaScript libraries in web projects
• Manipulating the DOM using libraries
• Implementing animations and effects
• Introduction to modular JavaScript and package managers (e.g., npm)

• CSS preprocessors (e.g., Sass) and their benefits
• Working with Sass variables, mixins, and partials
• Managing CSS code using nesting and inheritance
• CSS methodologies (e.g., BEM, SMACSS)
• CSS animations and transitions
• Optimizing CSS for performance

• Creating HTML forms and handling user input
• Input validation techniques and error handling
• Working with different form input types (text, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc.)
• Submitting form data and handling server-side processing
• HTML5 form features (e.g., input types, validation attributes)

• Preparing a website for deployment
• Web hosting and domain management
• Uploading files using FTP or file managers
• Website performance optimization techniques (e.g., minification, compression)
• Search engine optimization (SEO) best practices
• Website analytics and tracking using tools like Google Analytic

• Overview of the Bootstrap framework
• Setting up Bootstrap in a project
• Using Bootstrap’s grid system for responsive layouts
• Styling components (buttons, forms, navigation) with Bootstrap

• Implementing responsive navigation menus
• Working with Bootstrap modals and carousels
• Creating responsive image galleries
• Customizing and extending Bootstrap themes

Best Android App Development Master Course in Karol Bagh

Android Applications Course Details

Who This Course Is For:
Class Hours:
Our Hands-on Bootcamp

An immersive learning experience

Invest in your skills for real career growth
Get Workplace-Ready Skills with Our Fresh, Industry-Backed Curriculum.
Learn from Real Pros, Not Distant Trainers
Leading practitioners offer seminars that fit into your schedule while offering the most current best practises and case studies.
Hands-On Learning
Solve Real Problems, Ace Capstone Projects, and Master Skills with Hands on Training!
HR Support for Interview set up
Our HR experts are here to help you every step of the way, from preparing for your interview to following up after.

Still Confused?

Get Connected to our experts and know what’s best for you. Achieve your dreams!

Key Features
Globally Recognized Skill Based Certification

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